
Temario oposiciones secundaria orientacion educativa

Call for secondary school competitive examinations madrid 2021

The topic is entitled: “Learning processes: conditioning, learning by observation, higher learning, information processing, the role of attention and memory, metacognitive skills…”.

This first section of the sample topic of Educational Guidance indicates what the constructivist conception of learning consists of. This paradigm defends that the learner is the constructor of his own learning. We highlight several theories:

Parallel to the previous one, in this example of Educational Guidance topic for competitive examinations other theories that explain learning through the observation of models emerge. It deepens in its characteristics.

It mentions that higher learning is all learning in which between the stimulus and the response there is a complex mechanism that assimilates the information received, analyzes it and makes it its own, issuing intelligent responses in which the most complex functions of the human brain intervene.

Educational guidance examinations

Guidance counselors must ensure that people acquire personal and social skills that are transferable to various contexts, explains in her article the Director General of Vocational Training of the Ministry of Education, Clara Sanz.

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The expected intervention is aimed at all students and, therefore, must facilitate the acquisition of the competencies that will allow them to go as far as possible in their integral formation and to develop as a citizen member of a society in continuous change. A condition that will force him to be permanently trained, to make decisions, foreseen or unforeseen, about his professional and life situation, as well as to integrate change as a characteristic of his time.

The responsibility of guidance, shared with education, is to ensure that people are equipped with personal and social skills that are transferable to a variety of contexts, and that give them the maximum capacity to manage their own lives and make decisions. These are the skills for career management, which become a core content of guidance.

Secondary school examinations 2021

So, in order to discover the educational orientation exam syllabus you are looking for and avoid encountering the other categories, it may be necessary for you to search more rigorously… but today you are in luck, because we did it for you.

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Another point to keep in mind when choosing a competition syllabus is to understand the motivation for choosing one syllabus over another, especially when there are several dozens of titles dealing with the same subject.

It is for these reasons that we have created for you an updated (at least once a month) ranking of the best-selling exam exam books on Amazon for you. We are sure it will help you find what you are looking for quickly.

If you don’t see the list or you think there are mistakes, you can let us know by commenting on this article. You can also comment if you have already read one of the recommended oposiciones oposiciones orientacion educativa to share your opinion.

Probability of oppositions topics

The topic is entitled: “Learning processes: conditioning, observational learning, higher learning, information processing, the role of attention and memory, metacognitive skills…”

IntroductionThis first section of the sample topic of Educational Guidance indicates what the constructivist conception of learning consists of. This paradigm defends that the learner is the constructor of his own learning. We highlight several theories:

Learning processesThroughout this section, it develops a set of theories on learning that focus primarily on psychological change and the educational processes involved, such as:

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Observational learningParallel to the previous one, other theories that explain learning through the observation of models emerge in this example of Educational Guidance for Competitive Examinations topic. It deepens in its characteristics.

Higher learningMentions that higher learning are all those learning processes in which between stimulus and response there is a complex mechanism that assimilates the information received, analyzes it and makes it its own, issuing intelligent responses in which the most complex functions of the human brain are involved.