
Preparador oposiciones secundaria canarias

Secondary school entrance exams 2021

Then, you can choose the secondary specialty you need to prepare, Preparadores will help you in all phases of the competition-opposition, you can also take all valid courses to get points in the competition phase, we will provide you with our own syllabus prepared by specialists, updated and adapted to your Community, from our Academy Secondary oppositions we advise you both in the processes of decision making, study, job placement, as in everything you need to achieve optimal results. You will have at your service the most professional and committed preparation.

Cen oposiciones secundaria

Therefore, my proposal as a trainer is exclusive for the Canary Islands. That is, a program based on Learning Situations based on competency methodologies. As Project Learning, Interest Centers, Problem Based Learning, Cooperative Learning, Case Method, Break Out, Escape Room, Service Learning … In addition, the resolution of Practical Assumptions as proposed in the opposition.

I fully prepare the specialties of Physical Education. Both Primary and Secondary. In addition to other specialties of Secondary as: Mathematics. Language and Literature. Biology and Geology. Geography and History. Physics and Chemistry. English. German. Philosophy. Technology…

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As a preparer, my intention is to facilitate your preparation. So, I will provide you with what is really important. Optimizing the content and guiding you at all times. That is why I offer you to be your coach for the Primary Physical Education exam in the Canary Islands. Also, preparador oposición Educación Física Secundaria in Canary Islands. And Preparador oposición Secundaria in the Canary Islands.

Call for secondary school competitive examinations madrid 2021

The fact of training at a distance generated a feeling of disadvantage: it did not motivate me, I felt that I would not be able to maintain constancy, I thought that I would not receive the personalized attention of the teacher… everything so necessary in a situation like this, etc.

It took me a couple of classes to know that these predictions would not come true, on the contrary, the reality exceeded my expectations by far. Manu, the teacher, turned out to be an exceptional professional; his ability to motivate, his knowledge, his didactic training, his way of teaching the classes and his ability to present us with a theory connected to the practice and provide us with the necessary tools to achieve it, were crucial in my training. Manu always knew how to teach the classes little by little, how to connect the classic areas: syllabus, practical assumptions and programming and oral defense; with a personalized follow-up of our doubts. All the material he has provided us with during the course seems to me to be of 10, as well as his corrections on all the simulations of topics and practical assumptions made.

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Anpe canarias

Given the notable demand in this regard by many of our affiliates, from the STEC-IC we offer a qualified offer of preparation of oppositions in agreement with several academies and preparers, offering face-to-face classes, blended learning and online mode, with discounts for the affiliation for the oppositions scheduled in 2022 for the Corps of Teachers.

The affiliates who wish to take advantage of this offer of preparation with the corresponding discounts must contact the headquarters of the corresponding islands (see contact details), to request a certificate of affiliation that they will have to send to the academy or preparer chosen at the time of formalizing the enrollment.

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In addition to the training offer for competitive examinations related in this news, from STEC-IC we have also signed a collaboration agreement with Editorial MAD for the acquisition of competitive examination syllabi in advantageous conditions for the affiliation. You can find more information about the syllabus here.