
Oposiciones profesor secundaria madrid

secondary examinations madrid 2023

The date for the beginning of the exams will be announced later, although, in the words of the Minister of Education, Javier Imbroda, they will be held next June “if everything goes normally and the pandemic allows us to do so”.

The announcement clarifies, among other things, that “the start of the first test may take place on the same day as the presentation ceremony, or on subsequent days” and will be published 3 calendar days in advance.

(17/08/2020) Basque Country publishes the new dates for the Secondary 2020 competitive examinations: the delivery of the Didactic Programming will take place from September 30 to October 9 and the opposition phase will start from December (*canceled until 2021).

civil service examinations madrid 2021

The selection system is that of a competitive examination with two eliminatory tests which, as a guideline, since it may vary in the publication of the call in each Autonomous Community, have the following characteristics.

This test will be valued from zero to ten points. Each of the two parts of which it consists must represent at least 2.5 points out of the ten that will comprise the total valuation of this test. In order to pass the test, the candidates must achieve a minimum score equal to or higher than five points, this being the result of adding the scores corresponding to the two parts. For this purpose, the score obtained in each of the parts must be equal to or higher than 25% of the score assigned to them.

The grade corresponding to the competitive examination phase will be the arithmetic mean of the scores obtained in the tests included in this phase, when all of them have been passed. The weighting of the competitive examination phase is 40%.

call for secondary school competitive examinations madrid 2020

The first phase or phase of the competition is where practical and theoretical tests are performed in order to obtain the best candidates for the positions, has a value of 60% of the total score and is divided as follows:

– Part 2B (Preparation and oral exposition of a didactic unit before the board): preparation and defense of a random didactic unit of your programming in front of the board, also known as “la encerrona”.

The second phase, the competition phase or the merit scale, has a value of 40% and is where all your academic and professional history is evaluated with a score determined by the call. It is important to emphasize that all the documentation that we provide to add points in this section (maximum 10 points) must be submitted at the beginning of the competition.

At the moment, the call for secondary school exams for Madrid has not been published, but it is highly recommended that you take into account the previous calls to have a fairly approximate view of what the next call for exams will be like.

2021 secondary school examinations

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