
Oposicion auxiliar administrativo universidad autonoma de madrid

Oposicion auxiliar administrativo universidad autonoma de madrid


Royal Decree 208/1996, which regulates the administrative information services and citizen services. Royal Decree 366/2007, which establishes the conditions of accessibility and non-discrimination of people with disabilities in their relations with the General State Administration.

Electronic mail: basic concepts and operation. The work environment. Sending, receiving, answering and forwarding messages. Creation of messages. Message rules. Address book.

Organic Law of Universities (I): Functions and autonomy of the Universities. Nature, creation, recognition and legal regime. Structure of the Universities. Government and representation of the Universities. University coordination, cooperation and collaboration. Evaluation and accreditation.

Statutes of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (I): Nature, functions, guiding principles and competences of the UAM. Structure of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Governing bodies, representation and administration. Election and revocation of governing, representative and administrative bodies. University Ombudsman. The university community.

Uned oposiciones auxiliar administrativo

The application will be available at the electronic site of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, by accessing the following link: The application will be submitted by clicking on the button “Start online process” and will consist of four phases: Identification, Completion of the application, Telematic payment and Registration. They will be totally or partially exempted from payment:

  Universidad autonoma de madrid es publica

Waiting list: Once the selection process has been completed, a waiting list will be drawn up which will include those applicants who have passed the competitive examination phase and do not pass the selection process, unless they expressly state their wish not to be part of said waiting list. The order of the candidates in this list will be determined by the score obtained, after adding together the competitive examination and the competitive examination phase.

The exercise will be graded on a maximum of 90 points, being necessary to obtain at least 45 points to pass, corresponding to 45 net correct answers. The maximum time for the exercise will be 100 minutes. The questions answered correctly will be valued with 1 point, while the wrong ones will have a negative valuation equivalent to a quarter of the value of a correct answer and those not answered or null will not receive any score.

Administrative assistant in the community of madrid

INFORMATIVE NOTE: All applicants admitted in this selective process are informed that it has not been possible to correct all the arithmetic and material errors detected in the names and surnames, due to an incidence in the computer platform. However, the call and access to the test will be made with the previous verification of the DNI, as a reliable and unequivocal document of the identity of each applicant.

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At the end of the exercise it will not be possible to remain in the hall or in the corridors of the Center, having to leave immediately to the street with the recommendation to keep the security distance indicated in the previous point.

It is informed that the deadline for the presentation of claims to the Agreement of the Court published on 20-09-2021, as the electronic Headquarters is not available due to technical reasons, will end at 00:00h. on September 28, 2021.

Agreement of the Qualifying Tribunal by which the list of candidates who have passed the exercise of the competitive examination phase becomes definitive and the period for presentation of merits is opened (published on 05-11-21).

Autonomous university of madrid

INFORMATIVE NOTE: All applicants admitted to this selection process are informed that it has not been possible to correct all the arithmetic and material errors detected in the names and surnames, due to an incident in the computer platform. However, the call and access to the test will be made with the previous verification of the DNI, as a reliable and unequivocal document of the identity of each applicant.

At the end of the exercise it will not be possible to remain in the hall or in the corridors of the Center, having to leave immediately to the street with the recommendation to keep the security distance indicated in the previous point.

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It is informed that the deadline for the presentation of claims to the Agreement of the Court published on 20-09-2021, as the electronic Headquarters is not available due to technical reasons, will end at 00:00h. on September 28, 2021.

Agreement of the Qualifying Tribunal by which the list of candidates who have passed the exercise of the competitive examination phase becomes definitive and the period for presentation of merits is opened (published on 05-11-21).