
Temario oposiciones secundaria madrid

Secondary examinations madrid 2023

Order ECD/191/2012, of February 6, which regulates the syllabi to be used in the procedures for admission, access and acquisition of new specialties in the teaching bodies established in Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, on Education.

In accordance with the above, it is considered that the implementation of new syllabi in the described context would introduce an element of instability in the educational system, which would be detrimental to the interests of both the groups directly affected, among which the applicants to participate in the selective processes stand out, and the educational community as a whole. Therefore, it is considered that there are reasons of general interest that justify the reestablishment of the situation prior to January 1, 2012, and consequently provisionally reestablish the validity of the syllabus that governed the selective processes called until that moment.

b) The syllabus established by Order ECI/592/2007, of March 12, which approves the syllabus to be used in the procedure for admission, access and acquisition of new specialties, for the specialty of Primary Education in the Teacher Corps, regulated by Royal Decree 276/2007, of February 23.

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The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (MECD) repealed the new syllabi for competitive examinations approved on November 15, 2011 with Order ECD/191/2012, of February 6, which regulates the syllabi to be used in the procedures for admission, access and acquisition of new specialties in the teaching bodies established in Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, on Education. All this means the reestablishment of the situation prior to January 1, 2012, and therefore provisionally restore the validity of the syllabi that governed the selective processes called until that time. Therefore, the syllabi approved in 1993 are still in force.

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The date for the beginning of the exams will be announced later, although, in the words of the Minister of Education, Javier Imbroda, they will be held next June “if everything goes normally and the pandemic allows us to do so”.

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The announcement clarifies, among other things, that “the start of the first test may take place on the same day as the presentation ceremony, or on subsequent days” and will be published 3 calendar days in advance.

(17/08/2020) Basque Country publishes the new dates for the Secondary 2020 competitive examinations: the delivery of the Didactic Programming will take place from September 30 to October 9 and the opposition phase will start from December (*canceled until 2021).

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For those scholars who want to know how to calculate the probability of getting a topic, we tell you the operation to be performed. The official agenda of the Secondary exams is divided into 69-75 topics, depending on the specialty, and the official agenda of teachers (primary and infantile), in 25. In addition, it is necessary to know that the court extracts 3 balls at random.  In this case, to simplify the numerical question, let’s make the example with the oppositions of primary (or infantile).  Let’s suppose that we have studied 10 subjects out of the 25 possible ones. The wonderful science of statistics facilitates the calculation if we do it the other way around and measure the probability that NONE OF THE STUDIED SUBJECTS WILL COME OUT.  This would be all, good luck with your subjects and lots of courage! OPOSITIONS OF YOUR INTEREST

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