
Temario oposiciones profesor secundaria tecnologia

oposiciones secundaria canarias 2021

Tasks and functions of the Teacher of Secondary Education: TechnologyThe main functions of the teaching staff of Secondary Education specializing in Technology are focused on the preparation of the contents, the teaching of Technology classes, as well as the preparation of all the proposals and didactic units.In addition, teaching professionals in Secondary Education must also work to ensure that the learning process of all students is optimal, incorporating the necessary educational responses for this. The implementation of different methodologies in the classroom or the development of activities that improve the learning process and motivate students are also important tasks. Finally, the Secondary Education teacher must work and coordinate with the rest of the teaching team, both from the institutional point of view of the center, as well as in the joint and coordinated educational response to all students, and maintain the necessary communications with the families.

physics and chemistry examination syllabus

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (MECD) repealed the new syllabi for competitive examinations approved on November 15, 2011 with the Order ECD/191/2012, of February 6, which regulates the syllabi to be used in the procedures for admission, access and acquisition of new specialties in the teaching bodies established in the Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, on Education. All this means the reestablishment of the situation prior to January 1, 2012, and therefore provisionally restore the validity of the syllabi that governed the selective processes called until that time. Therefore, the syllabi approved in 1993 are still in force.

probability of subjects of competitive examinations

The form of access depends on each Autonomous Community. In Andalusia the selective process is defined by the Royal Decree 276/2007 of February 23rd. The selective system is a competitive examination and consists of two eliminatory tests.

To get your place as a Technology Teacher you have to pass a series of exams within the technology competitive examination: test A, consisting of the development of a topic and the resolution of practical cases and test B, which is based on the defense of the programming and the didactic unit.

In this test you will participate in the classes through an innovative videoconference system. By means of a digital blackboard connected to a broadcasting platform, you will be able to follow the class and the teacher’s explanations in an optimal way: everything shown on the blackboard you will see it in the best quality and everything the trainer says you will hear it without cuts.

Temario oposiciones profesor secundaria tecnologia en línea

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