
Oposiciones catedráticos secundaria castilla y león

Oposiciones catedráticos secundaria castilla y león

High school professor

The corrections shall be addressed to the Directorate General of Human Resources and shall be submitted on the correction form, document 3, available at the Education Portal of the Junta de Castilla y León ( and at the electronic headquarters of the Administration of the Community of Castilla y León (, in the places indicated in section 4.2 of Order EDU/110/2020, of February 10.

Date and time of the draw: in the month of December 2020 (the day and time of the draw and the basis of the draw will be determined by resolution of the Directorate General of Human Resources).

Date and time of the draw: in December 2020 (the date and time of the draw and the rules of the draw will be determined by resolution of the Directorate General of Human Resources).

  Duracion examen oposiciones secundaria

Against this list the interested parties may file an appeal to the Director General of Human Resources within one month from the day following its publication, in accordance with the provisions of articles 121 and 122 of Law 39/2015, of October 1.

Aspes cyl

In order to optimize the quality of its course calendar, ASPES-CL carried out a valuable survey among the teaching staff, from which it identified the deficits in training at the present time and the preferences of both teachers and candidates in terms of the content and modality of the different training activities.

It is necessary to delay the start of the school year by one week to give the centers time to organize themselves and to have all the necessary teachers hiredThe Administration must prioritize the health of the educational community and their families over economic costsIt is highly irresponsible to assume the appearance of outbreaks and reject proposals for their prevention that would guarantee safety.

The implementation of the Law that would place the working day at 2012 levels is among the priorities, as is the end of the wage gap that, coupled with freezes, has led to losses of purchasing power close to 20%.

  Ejemplos de supuestos practicos oposiciones secundaria geografia e historia

Teaching staff jcyl competitive examinations

Likewise, they can be consulted, for purely informative purposes and without administrative effects, in the portal “personal+educación”, following the following sequence:, “Funcionarios docentes”, “Procesos Selectivos”, “Catedráticos Secundaria y E.O.I. Acceso”.

Likewise, they may be consulted, for purely informative purposes and without administrative effects, in the portal “personal+educación”, following the following sequence:, “Funcionarios docentes”, “Procesos Selectivos”, “Catedráticos Secundaria y E.O.I. Acceso”.

Educacyl interinos.

Amorós, A. (March 4, 2018). Nostalgia for the high school professor. ABC. Retrieved September 26, 2018 at:

Cuesta, R. and Mainer Baque, J. (2015). Guardians of tradition and slaves of routine: History of the professional field of high school professors. History and Memory of Education, 1, pp. 351-393. DOI: 10.5944/hme.1.2015.12869.

DECREE 15/2016, of 2 June, amending Decree 51/2005, of 30 June, on sporting activity (BOCyL 06/06/2016) Available at:

  Preparador oposiciones secundaria biologia

Herrera, H. (2011). Physical education and high performance sport. No. 162. Retrieved September 25, 2019 at:

Llorente, S. (July 13, 2019). Professors need to return to high schools. The New Chronicle. Retrieved January 25, 2020 at: