
Oposicion auxiliar administrativo universidad complutense de madrid

autonomous university of madrid

ADAMS presents the Agenda 2, valid for the preparation of the entrance exams to the Auxiliary Administrative Scale of the Complutense University of Madrid, composed of the topics required for the second exercise.

ADAMS presents the Agenda 1, valid for the preparation of the entrance exams to the Auxiliary Administrative Scale of the Complutense University of Madrid, composed of the topics required for the first exercise.

Integrating the collection for the preparation of the entrance exams to the Administrative Auxiliary Scale Corps of the Complutense University of Madrid for the stabilization positions, this volume of Questionnaires is an effective tool to prepare the students for the…

Second volume of our General Agenda for the proper preparation of the competitive examinations for access to the Auxiliary Administrative Scale of Universities, with the development of the topics that are frequently required in the entrance examinations in these positions.

Manual of multiple-choice questionnaires for the adequate preparation of the program established in the call for the selective process for admission, through the selective system of free competition, in the Auxiliary Administrative Scale of the Complutense University of Madrid, published in the Official Gazette of the Complutense University of Madrid, published in…

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– Civil Service Examinations Complutense University of Madrid- Civil Service Examinations Analyst Complutense University of Madrid- Civil Service Examinations Archivist Complutense University of Madrid- Civil Service Examinations Administrative Assistant Complutense University of Madrid- Civil Service Examinations Administrative Assistant Complutense University of Madrid- Civil Service Examinations Library Assistant Complutense University of Madrid- Civil Service Examinations Technical Assistant Laboratory Complutense University of Madrid- Civil Service Examinations Archive Assistants Complutense University of Madrid- Civil Service Examinations Professor Complutense University of Madrid

– Civil Service Examinations University Lecturer Complutense University of Madrid- Civil Service Examinations Facultative University Complutense of Madrid- Civil Service Examinations Doctor University Complutense of Madrid- Civil Service Examinations Professor University Complutense of Madrid- Civil Service Examinations Management Technician University Complutense of Madrid- Civil Service Examinations Specialist Technician University Complutense of Madrid- Civil Service Examinations Computer Technician University Complutense of Madrid- Civil Service Examinations Medium Technician University Complutense of Madrid- Civil Service Examinations Senior Technician University Complutense of Madrid

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It will consist of answering in writing a questionnaire of 100 questions, with four alternative answers each, only one of them being correct, which will deal with the part of the Program that appears in Annex I of this call, under the title “First exercise”.

It will consist of answering in writing a questionnaire of 100 questions, with four alternative answers each, only one of them being correct, which will deal with the part of the Program that appears in Annex I of this summons, under the title “Second exercise”.

In consideration of the above, the Tribunal will draw up the list of candidates who have passed the selective process. In said list, the candidates shall appear duly ordered, in order of score, according to the final qualification obtained. In the event of a tie, the order shall be established according to the following criteria:

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Interested parties will have a period of twenty working days from the day following the date of publication of this call in the “Official State Gazette”, to submit the application in accordance with the model described in Basis Seven, section 2 of the call, completed electronically in the manner described in Basis Seven, section 5.

The application for admission to the selective tests, the upper part of which reads “Solicitud de admisión a procesos selectivos. Complutense University of Madrid. Administration and Services Civil Servants”, can be found on the web page; it is also included as Annex II of this call for applications.

It will consist of answering in writing a questionnaire of 100 questions, with four alternative answers each, only one of them being correct, which will deal with the Program included in Annex I of this call.

It will consist of answering three theoretical-practical assumptions, each of them corresponding to blocks II, III and IV of the Program included in Annex I of this call. Each theoretical-practical case will consist of a statement on which 25 questions with alternative answers will be formulated, only one of them being correct.

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