
Oposiciones enseñanza secundaria canarias

canary islands competitive examinations 2016

I found the course very interesting. It does not focus on a neurobiological or deterministic study of education and on the contrary raises very accurate interpretation keys to understand and improve the study and learning.

I decided to try Opositer (after a bad experience in Logoss), after the course I can say that it has been a good experience, updated and enjoyable information. Now it remains to wait to see if the deadline for the delivery of the title is met.

I am left with a good taste in my mouth because I have the feeling that I have not only paid for a course to add points in the scale, I have paid for a good didactic material that will serve me in my professional career and also for the excellent attention I have received. An experience of 10. Thanks to all the team for making our path more bearable.

I have already done two courses with Opositer and now I am going to do another one, once you know the platform you feel very comfortable working with it and although I had doubts because it is online, I recognize that the customer service is excellent and generates a lot of confidence, which is essential for a subject in which you play so much. Based on my experience I do recommend this company to anyone who is preparing for a competitive examination.

call for secondary school competitive examinations madrid 2021

The roundtable begins at 9:10 a.m. via videoconference with the attendance, on behalf of the Administration, of the Director General of Personnel, the head of Union Relations, the Secretary of the Roundtable and the head of the Department… Read more

As we consider it of interest and especially for those people who could not attend the Assembly yesterday, we broadcast the video recording of the Informative Assembly on the Autonomous Transfers Contest called by the… Read more

Register and participate in the Informative Assembly on the Autonomic Contest of Transfers convened by the STEC-IC and clarify all your doubts about the procedure. Open to all teachers.     Wednesday, 10 of… Read more

Resolution of the General Director of Personnel of the Department of Education, Universities, Culture and Sports by which the phase of practices of the selective procedures for the entrance and access to the Autonomous… Read more

Order EFP/1013/2021, of September 22, by which, at the proposal of the Regional Ministry of Education, Universities, Culture and Sports of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, career civil servants are appointed to the Corps of Teachers,… Read more

canary islands 2021 secondary school civil service examinations

The vacancies in Mathematics are not due to a lack of applicants. Thus, 47 of the 165 places in the specialty of Mathematics have been left vacant and of the almost 1,200 people registered for the tests, the tribunals decided that only 129 had the level to pass, a trend that has been repeated in the rest of the autonomous communities where teaching competitive examinations have been held.

* The data in this article differ from those included in the first edition due to erroneous data initially provided by the Ministry of Education of the Canarian Government, which rectified them hours after publication.

canary islands civil service examinations 2022

The first test will be aimed at demonstrating the specific knowledge of the teaching specialty for which the candidate is applying, and will consist of two parts that will be assessed jointly. In the case of specialties that include instrumental or technical skills, these skills will be evaluated in this part. This test will be valued from zero to ten points. Each of the two parts of the test will be initially graded from 0 to 10 points. The marks obtained in each part will then be added together, after weighting. The grade for part A is weighted at 60%. Part B is weighted at 40%. Those candidates whose qualifications meet the following two conditions will pass this first test:

The second test will be aimed at verifying the pedagogical aptitude of each applicant and his mastery of the techniques necessary for the teaching practice. It will consist of the defense of the didactic program delivered at the time by the candidates and the preparation and oral presentation of a didactic unit or learning situation, work unit or intervention program. This test will be valued globally from zero to ten points, and the candidate must achieve, in order to pass it, a score equal to or higher than five points.

  Preparadores de oposiciones secundaria madrid